Tag: God

  • The Beauty Points To God

    The Beauty Points To God

    This week we continue looking at God as the Creator and how creativity affects our spiritual life. God used skilled artists and craftsman to create His house of worship. He wanted it to be a place of beauty where His glory dwelt. His desire was that the beauty of His house be the visual director…

  • A Prayer For Focus

    A Prayer For Focus

    Father God, There are so many things, so much noise to distract and take me away from your voice. I need your help to focus my heart. Set me as an arrow upon a bow and shoot me forward towards the goal of pursuing You! Bring my mind back to center and back to Your…

  • Useful Creativity

    Useful Creativity

    Your creations are useful and important to God. Did you ever think of that? He used many creative people to serve Him throughout the Bible and beyond Don’t discount your creativity as just a hobby or just a thing to do. It has a place and a purpose. Look at these situations in the Bible…

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