Tag: creativity

  • The Art Of Kintsugi- Broken Is Beautiful

    The Art Of Kintsugi- Broken Is Beautiful

    Kintsugi Kintsugi is the Japanese art of reclaiming broken pottery. Kintsugi has been called a redemptive art form. A piece of broken pottery is fused back together with a mixture of gold or silver dust and a glue like substance. The piece of broken pottery is then able to be used again and has a…

  • Sketching Your Garden Growth

    Sketching Your Garden Growth

    A few weeks ago in June I had posted on creating a garden journal. This week I want to talk about filling your journal with sketches and notes on your garden. How is it growing? Are some plants doing well and others poorly? Have you noticed any specific details that you found interesting about a…

  • Learn to See Like an Artist

    Learn to See Like an Artist

    There are many ways to see the world. If you are looking for new ways to broaden your perspective, start learning to see color shape and value like an artist.   What does it mean to see like an artist? It means viewing shape, color, contours, every day items and more with eyes of potential and beauty. It…

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