The Spiritual Side of Creativity

Did you ever stop to consider what creativity and God have in common? The answer is everything! He as the great Creator of our lives and the world around us is the ultimate authority on creativity. Because of that, we can look to Him for inspiration and understanding in our own creative lifestyles and projects.

I’d like to begin this weeks post with a look at the beginning, Genesis where God created our world for the first time.

Creating from nothing

In Genesis 1:1-2 it says, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.”

God began creation with a blank slate, a void, nothingness. His spirit “hovered” over the surface of the water, tentatively waiting to speak all things into existence.

A fresh canvas, a blank piece of paper, an empty notebook. These things could all be considered a void of sorts in our own lives. These voids all have potential for beauty and purpose. So do our personal and spiritual lives. God sees potential in the nothingness we may feel about ourselves. This is a great lesson in Genesis.

Creating is important to God

Creation is important to God because it begins an action, a movement toward an ultimate purpose. When you begin a painting, writing or any creative project, you work towards a vision or a purpose for the thing you are creating. God created you with a purpose and a vision for your life. As you create you have the opportunity to reflect on this truth. He gave you the desire to be creative and learn from what you create so that you would be reminded of His deep love for you. His purposes run much deeper than we can imagine.

Creativity is a good thing

When you create, remember that God sees creation as important and that He has given you the ability to create from nothingness and see the beauty in what you create. Scripture tells us that God looked at all He created and said it was good (Genesis 1:9). God says that creativity is good, not a frivolous or empty action.

Joy is found in creating

I believe that God also wants us to create for the purpose of joy and happiness too. He enjoyed what He had created when He spoke the world into being. He was happy with His work. He is showing us that we can do the same as we create. Discovering joy is part of creation. Remember to find a place of joy in your work and what you create. We can often get sidetracked by comparisons with other people therefore losing our joy.

All creativity is unique

Don’t focus on comparing how beautiful it is with other artists or creators, just simply find joy in your own masterpieces. Your own work is unique just like you. Creativity is an expression of who we are as individuals and our human spirit. God desires us to be creative to express who He created us to be. He also desires us to bring glory to Him by creating in His name. In doing so, we will be expressing our worship toward Him.

God reveals himself through many creative ways. In the next weeks we will discover more of His creative qualities as we study scripture and what it means to be creative and bring creativity into our spiritual life.

Blessings of beauty!



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