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Keeping The Faith Pt. 2
“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1
Taking That First Step
As we continue our devotion on faith, I’d like to focus this week on stepping out in faith. We have read so far in Esther that she was taken along with other young women to be part of the kings harem and she found favor with him. Throughout the entire situation, Esther had to hold onto her faith in God and what His plan was.
She had no way of seeing what her place in this time was but she made a choice to trust God. We must also choose to trust Him, no matter what we feel or how things look on the outside. Choosing to trust is taking a step of faith.
Facing The Fear
Esther was most likely afraid much of the time during life in the palace. Mordecai had instructed her not to reveal her ethnicity to anyone, least of all the king. Jews were persecuted during this time as well. They were in exile within Persia and they had to adapt to being ruled by pagan leadership. I am sure Esther felt quite paralyzed at times for fear of death.
Fear can really hold you back from stepping out in faith. Fear can keep you from realizing all that God has for you. That’s why it’s important to learn to have faith and trust God to take the first step out of fear and into faith. Imagine if you were stuck in a thick fog and you couldn’t see at all, each step you took would be a step of faith.
The reality of death and sorrow were all around Esther. She had very good reason to fear. But she understood that she couldn’t stand still she had to keep moving.
Purposed For Such a Time
In the next two chapters 3 and 4 we learn of the evil plot of Haman to destroy the Jews. Mordecai realizes Esther has been strategically placed by God to help her people. Wherever you are in life, no matter how chaotic it is, or who may be planning your downfall, you are strategically placed there for a great purpose. For such a time as this.
In Esther 4:14 Mordecai tells Esther ” Who knows but you may have come to your royal position for such a time as this “. Esther realizes the truth here and chooses again to trust and step out in faith.
God Will Support You
It takes great courage to step out of your comfort zone. But you must realize that stepping out while holding the hand of God will take you places you never imagined. God longs to help you grow and stretch past what you believe is the only way things will ever be in life. Take His hand and watch as you step towards Him in faith.
Continue reading Chapter 5 and 6 of Esther for next week.
Have a beautiful day!