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Hygge: Happy Moments In Time
The other night as I was baking in my kitchen, I realized a hygge moment was occuring. My little six month old daughter was at my feet in her walker intently watching as I whipped up banana bread and coffee cake.
The house was warm and cozy as the oven heated and my baby girls voice cooing as she played and watched me made for a perfect feeling. I was using my grandmother’s 1950’s Better Homes and Gardens cookbook for my recipes. I felt a connection to my grandmother, my mother and being a new mother all at the same time.
Peace came over me as I worked and realized these kinds of moments are what life is about. Remembering your loved ones, living in the present, creating new things, creating a safe and happy home. This right here is hygge. Happy moments in time.
You must slow your mind and heart to catch them though or they fly right past you.
Because I wanted to share my love of this moment with you as well as a great (and EASY) coffee cake recipe, you will find the recipe link below. You are welcome to print it out, I created a PDF print for you.
Blessings of Beauty!