Free to Fly

Today in the art journaling post I want to encourage you to think about areas of your life where you feel hindered or held back.

As you think of these areas, consider what solutions or steps you could take to help bring freedom to that area.

Sometimes I feel hindered from pursuing my dreams by too much to do or fear of failure.

The way I want to solve this is by creating small goals each day for myself and taking small steps even if I am afraid to do so.

If this sounds familiar I want you to write down words that represent freedom to you. Cut these words out and set aside. You will use these in your artwork.

Next I want you to draw a butterfly, moth or bird in flight to represent freedom to you. It doesn’t need to be perfect.

Remember that this journaling experience is to help you have fun and discover your strengths inside you not be perfection.

moth drawing

Use Pencils or Pens to Start

I used a pencil to first sketch my moth then colored it in with crayons. You can use pens or pencils whatever works best for you.

Next, I used crayon to fill in the moth with color. Choose colors that help you feel peaceful and happy. I chose black for my background to help the moth stand out.

colored in moth

Add Other Elements of Texture

I then added bits of blue tissue paper to the wings, scrunching it up with glue to add texture. Then when it was dry I ran crayon over the texture for added interest.

Add Text or Written Words

I then took the words I had written that meant freedom to me and pasted them below the moth. You can paste your words wherever you like. Then I went over them with a sharpie and a ballpoint pen. You could use colored pencils, markers, or paint on your words. I also wrote words on the back of the moth to signify what action to take towards my goals. Take flight i felt was appropriate.

free word
Take Flight

Consider Your Freedom

As you finish your journal entry, I hope it helped to consider the areas you need freedom in life. Please comment below and show your work I always love to see and hear from you!

Blessings of freedom today!

I am free

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