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Fancy Feathers
Have you ever stopped to consider how creative nature is? I find it so very interesting to learn about different animals and their ways of life. They can be so very creative in what they do!
In this post I wanted to share a bit about our fine feathered friend, the bird. I am sure you have heard of some of the birds I will mention. I found certain ones to be particularly creative and inspiring.
The Bower Bird
The Bower Bird is a bird native to Papua New Guinea and Australia. Bower birds often use colorful and creative embellishments to attract a mate. According to Encyclopedia Brittanica, there are four different types of bowers that the males will weave for attracting a mate.
The first is called a mat or platform. This is a flat mat of grasses and sticks woven together and then embellished. Embellishments can be anything from berries to nuts and seeds to interesting colored pieces of trash.
The Satin Bower Bird has been known to use many blue pieces of trash as embellishments for their bowers. Female bower birds are attracted to the bowers and get to watch an elaborate dance by the male bower bird.
He fluffs and unfurls his beautiful colors for her, attempting to impress her. She watches in rapture and decides if he is a good mate or not.
Funny Birds
I chose to write about these funny birds today because they are so creative and inspiring in their nesting and mating rituals. I am completely amazed at how much they do to have the perfect mate! I love their beautiful colors and the fact that they use color to decorate. How creative nature is!
We would do well to observe nature more often for a great dose of inspiration! Too often we get wrapped up in our technology and how convenience makes it all easy for us. We forget that getting back to the basics of creative endeavor is to see beauty around us in the most primitive form, nature.
Please enjoy this link to a hilarious and beautiful video on the Bower Bird, it is so interesting!
One response to “Fancy Feathers”
Haha love this video… so funny!