Creating From memories

Memories are important for creating

It occurred to me recently that memories have quite a lot to do with how we create. Creativity and memory are inextricably intertwined. You cannot have one without the other. From a basic need of remembering how to do a certain technique, to a more personal expression of a memory in a particular creative project, memory is definitely important.

In an article done by Psychology Today the subject of creativity and memory is covered. The author of the article Art Markman, Ph.D states, “Creativity is driven by memory. That means that for any given creativity task, it is crucial to find memories that will help you perform the task.” He is specifically looking at ways people use memory to create different uses for familiar objects.

In the same way that this happens with creativity in general, it can also happen in very personal ways such as familiar situations. Perhaps an object, place or thing jogged your memory about a fun family outing you had as a child. From this memory you then decide to create something new to keep as a reminder or to share with others.

Family memories are foundational for creativity

My grandmother passed away while I was giving birth to our first baby girl. I can remember feeling incredibly sad my grandma was gone and yet happy to be welcoming a new life to the world too.

As I lay in labor, I thought of my family surrounding her and saying goodbye. I hoped that somehow before her spirit left this earth that she was able to see I loved her and would miss her so much.

I have so many great memories of my grandma and spending summers at her home in West Virginia. She was always constantly busy making something, accomplishing a task, creating a happy home for her grandchildren and children. I don’t think I ever saw my grandma idle for too long until she was very elderly.

Her pursuit of creating and doing something useful each day inspired a creative and useful perspective in my mind. I was inspired to cook, create a comfortable and happy home, grow beautiful flowers and stay close to family.

Even though these actions themselves are not artistic in fashion, I and my family were often artistically inspired because of them. Poetry, songs, art, writing and even dancing were all a part of the inspirations which she ignited in her family.

Memories of just about anything in life can most definitely be a catalyst for creating. My older sister created a song for guitar all about our childhood days, connecting many memories of our grandparents as well as our own parents.

My uncle and cousin as well as my father were writers and there was always a poem, a journal entry or article that would resonate with a walk down memory lane. Art and music filled the house as my aunt and cousins and my sisters and I would sing, play our grandmother’s old piano, pluck guitar strings and clap our hands in her living room.

Keep in mind that family is foundational to so many things in your life including creativity.

Creating connections

Creation is connection. If you are able to create something that connects you to an emotion, a beautiful moment,ย  or a special person you have the ability to keep that memory alive.

I encourage you today to create out of your memories. Create something new, whether that be a recipe, a poem, a blog post, a painting, a drawing, a song or any other thing. Just take a walk down memory lane and allow your creativity to flow. Sit down with a pen and paper and write down all the things you could create just from that one memory. You will be surprised by how much you can come up with. I know I was surprised when I really started considering how much creativity was sparked from memories of my grandmother.

Blessings of Beauty



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