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Creating a Vision Board
I promised a post this week focusing on the theme of pursuing your vision. I want to give you a few ideas here for creating an inspiring vision board that may help you to stay focused on your vision.
With vision boards, there are many options that most people like to use. They can be a physical bulletin board or an online board on Pinterest. I personally enjoy using a physical board because I can build it with my hands and it is a tactile reminder of my goals.
In building my vision board, I start with color scheme. For me, color is important in life and can define whatever mood I may be in or emotion I am feeling. You can begin your board with color or even just a theme such as pictures that would help define what your vision is about.
This year, my colors were in the red and purple range. Burgundy, plum, violet, and fuchsia. I first created a watercolor gradient to see how I liked these colors together. This gradient became my map of colors I wished to search for in magazines, pictures, found objects and materials. You can also create a color gradient if you wish to start with color. You can use markers, pastels, pencils or paint to create yours.
Now the fun begins! Go and find some old magazines, some material, old books you don’t mind tearing into, flat objects that could be pinned on a board, photographs, postcards, bits of cloth, anything that inspires you that could be pinned to a flat board.
Place your bulletin board on a flat surface and begin mapping out where you would like your gathered objects. I used a cork bulletin board covered in old cotton cloth. The cloth is somewhat stained and torn but I loved how it added to my board.
Decide which objects or words from a book or magazine that help you to feel a sense of how you want your vision to be expressed. The vision for my board is about color, design and pattern. I am beginning a journey into pattern and fabric design and wanted to be motivated to create new and interesting designs using my vision board for inspiration.
Your vision board could be about anything. Food, weight loss, spirituality, goals for your business, whatever your vision is speaking to you. You can use other boards such as poster board and paste things to it, but I enjoy having a cork bulletin board because you can change it when you want to. It does not have to stay the same.
The vision you are pursuing will develop and change so be prepared for your vision board to grow and develop into more than when you began. There is a beauty in this growth process and it will be another great example to you of how you will grow strong and blossom into your vision.
Happy vision board building!
Let me know if you decide to build a board of your own and how you creatively discovered your ideas to inspire your goals. I would love to hear from you!