Faith Begets Courage

Did you ever gain the courage to do something because you trusted in and had faith that the results would work? Faith helps your courage to rise and courage produces action.

The last post was about stepping out in faith. We read how Esther had to use her faith to be willing to step out and help her people survive a massacre by evil Haman. It took great courage on Esther’s part to do this. She knew very well that the king could kill her without a thought. Women were not respected or treated equally in those days. It would have taken strong courage to face the king as a woman.

In the next chapters 5 and 6 we see that Esther devises a plan to invite Haman and the king to a banquet she has prepared and approaches the king. Meanwhile Haman devises a plan to kill Mordecai and gain glory for himself.

The Tables Turn

I love what happens next though as God turns Haman’s glory into Mordecai’s! Haman must then parade the man he hates before the people so that it will be known Mordecai is to be respected for helping the king. God can turn what others mean as evil to be for your good. Read Genesis 50:20

God rewarded the courage of Mordecai by bringing his service to the attention of the king. God will also reward your courage when you step out in faith and dedicate your trust and plans to him.

Scripture tells us in Proverbs 3:5-6 that if we dedicate our plans to the Lord, He will help us succeed.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart

and lean not on your own understanding;

in all your ways submit to him,

and he will make your paths straight.

God Knows The Plan

We must have faith that God can see farther than we can, that He knows the future and what will and won’t succeed. He is able to turn what we feel is impossible into possible. It takes courage to trust, but trust we must.

When you trust and let faith be your guide, it will produce a courage and confidence you previously lacked. Courage will produce favor and favor will bring the result you desire.

In the next post, we will look more into favor and what that means and the results it produces. Have a beautiful weekend!

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