Category: Miscellaneous Musings

  • Fancy Feathers

    Fancy Feathers

    Have you ever stopped to consider how creative nature is? I find it so very interesting to learn about different animals and their ways of life. They can be so very creative in what they do! In this post I wanted to share a bit about our fine feathered friend, the bird. I am sure…

  • Welcome To Beauty For Ashes!

    Welcome To Beauty For Ashes!

    Welcome to Beauty For Ashes website! This blog exists for the purpose of your self care using art, creative writing, inspirational quotes, devotionals, and creative lifestyle ideas. I desire to help you find meaning in the ashes of dark situations in life. Perhaps your dark situation is depression, grief, stress, or fear. Perhaps you are…

  • Beyond the Cocoon

    How many of you out there like change? It’s so hard sometimes isn’t it? Changing diets, changing plans, changing perspectives. But change, like a yearly doctor visit is a necessary part of life. I once visited the beautiful Columbus Conservatory in Columbus, Ohio with a friend where we were able to view butterflies as they…

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