Category: Miscellaneous Musings

  • What Is Expressive Art Therapy And How It Can Help You

    What Is Expressive Art Therapy And How It Can Help You

    People do not often think of art as a therapy for mental and emotional health. Although this is getting more popular in recent years. In this post i want to inform you of the origins of Art as a therapy and how it can benefit you. Where it all began Art as therapy began in the…

  • 3 Ways Inspiration Boosts Creativity

    3 Ways Inspiration Boosts Creativity

    Inspiration begins as motivating external factors which cause you to create new ideas, products or actions. Inspiration can come in a variety of ways. Every day you are inspired by something in your personal life. That could be watching the sunrise from your kitchen window, hearing the laughter of your children as they play, or…

  • Why Does Art Help Stress?

    Why Does Art Help Stress?

    Have you ever wondered why does creative expression help stress? In this post I show you a little bit about why expressive art works for all kind of stress. It is my hope that as you read through this website you learn how art can enhance your life and help you to destress. I’d like…

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