Category: Creative Ways to Journal

  • Learn to See Like an Artist

    Learn to See Like an Artist

    There are many ways to see the world. If you are looking for new ways to broaden your perspective, start learning to see color shape and value like an artist.   What does it mean to see like an artist? It means viewing shape, color, contours, every day items and more with eyes of potential and beauty. It…

  • Garden Journaling

    Garden Journaling

    Keeping a record of things is as old as the hills. People have journaled or kept records since the beginning of time. It’s such an important act. Not only for practical purposes but also for learning and being inspired to create new things. Growth is one of the many benefits of Journaling, whether its you…

  • Christmas Art and Fun

    Christmas Art and Fun

    As a child, I loved making my own Christmas cards with construction paper and glitter. Many times my sisters and I would create cards for nursing home individuals and hand them out as we walked through the facility. I loved doing that. Reaching out to others. Right now, reaching out is what we need to…

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