Category: Learning to Draw

  • Trees, Towers of Inspiration

    Trees, Towers of Inspiration

    I love looking at trees, they are gorgeous in so many ways. There is a story to each tree, a growth journey that started as a seed and grew for so many years or centuries. What happened among those trees? How many animals found rest and shelter in its branches, what caused the interesting scars…

  • Spring Art Doodles!

    Spring Art Doodles!

    Happy first day of spring everybody ! I know I have not written on the blog for a while but I’ve been dealing with a couple of changes and shifting job situations due to the Coronavirus. As I’m sure many of you are. Today, I wanted to share a link to a video I posted…

  • Playing with Mixed Media for Stress Relief

    Playing with Mixed Media for Stress Relief

    This post contains affiliate links that will pay me a small portion if you choose to purchase a product. The prices of products I link to are always the same for you and never more than you would pay usually on a website. I will only suggest or review products I feel you may benefit…

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