Category: Creative Ways to Journal

  • The Purity of Christ

    The Purity of Christ

    When we think of Jesus and the Christmas story, we see from the very beginning the purity of His birth and nature.  Pure From Conception His birth is announced by the angel Gabriel, a messenger from God himself. He tells young Mary, who is a virgin, that the baby that will grow inside her will…

  • Discovering Jesus Through Your Sketchbook

    Discovering Jesus Through Your Sketchbook

    Advent Begins  The season of Advent begins and we start to celebrate the birth of Jesus. If you are a church-goer oh, you have experienced the celebration of Advent, if you are not a church-goer perhaps you have never heard of Advent. Advent goes like this:  Each week part of the story of Christ’s birth…

  • Sketching Your Garden Growth

    Sketching Your Garden Growth

    A few weeks ago in June I had posted on creating a garden journal. This week I want to talk about filling your journal with sketches and notes on your garden. How is it growing? Are some plants doing well and others poorly? Have you noticed any specific details that you found interesting about a…

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