Category: Therapeutic Art Facilitation

  • Christmas Art and Fun

    Christmas Art and Fun

    As a child, I loved making my own Christmas cards with construction paper and glitter. Many times my sisters and I would create cards for nursing home individuals and hand them out as we walked through the facility. I loved doing that. Reaching out to others. Right now, reaching out is what we need to…

  • How To Benefit From Sketching

    How To Benefit From Sketching

    Did you ever think about how sketching or even doodling could benefit your life? Of course it also benefits your artist’s eye but it has more far reaching abilities that perhaps you never thought of. Here are some ways in which sketching or doodling can help you! Sketching Improves Visual Acuity Drawing, sketching, or doodling…

  • Free to Fly

    Free to Fly

    Today in the art journaling post I want to encourage you to think about areas of your life where you feel hindered or held back. As you think of these areas, consider what solutions or steps you could take to help bring freedom to that area. Sometimes I feel hindered from pursuing my dreams by…

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